Are you an Employer?
Workkle is a smarter way to attract, hire and retain the right people for the right jobs. Our original matching process delivers high quality candidates in a faster and cost-effective manner.
Are you a Candidate?
Workkle uses the information that you enter during the registration process to match you with the perfect role that’s right for you.
Registering and creating your profile with Workkle is really important. Without it, you will not be able to post any jobs or find any quality candidates. Remember, provide as much information about the job that you can so that we find you the right candidate.
Email address {{regFormEmp.emailAddress.value}} already in use.
The username {{regFormEmp.userName.value}} already in use.
Finding the right organisation that fits you personally, motivationally and culturally is difficult. Trust us! Using Workkle’s original matching engine we can connect you to your perfect job.
The username {{regForm.userName.value}} already in use.
Email address {{regForm.emailAddress.value}} already in use.
Professional Details
You're almost there.
The final step in registering is to complete and Workkle-ise your profile. In the next step you will be asked to select choices that relate to you – remember, this is about you and what will help you stand out from other candidates. Our only bit of advice is to be honest and the first choice is usually the right choice!
QUESTION {{formConfig.questionIndex+1}} of {{formConfig.questions.length}}
Disagree Strongly
Disagree Moderately
Disagree a Little
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Agree a Little
Agree Moderately
Agree Strongly
STEP 2 of 3
Please select 5 motivators that you can relate to and drive you to do well within a job. The motivators do not have to be selected in any order, but we do ask you to be honest when selecting.
STEP 3 of 3
Please select the top 5 statements from the below that you can relate to and resonate with you when thinking about the type of organisation that you would like to work for. There is no right or wrong choice in any of the options.
- Step one
- Step two
- Step three